Complements for the lying of your tiles

Complements for the lying of your tiles

The laying of the tiles that you are going to put in your home is a professional’s thing. They are who make sure that every tile fits in its exact place, but to do so they need some complements to help them that also can be found in Ondacer catalogue. We want to offer a full service, so we offer not only a complete catalogue where to find a greet range of wall and floor tiles but we sell also these complements that will help you to place each tile in a perfect way.

When placing your wall or floor tiles, a space between tiles must be leaved, so that we can discern each of them. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about wall or a floor tiles. They must be perfectly leveled and keep a concrete distance between them.

To achieve that everything is perfectly placed, you can use these plastic crosses, which are especially created to mark these distances and help us to place the tiles in a correct way. Putting them between a tile and the other, they allow a homogeneous separation so that correct esthetics is achieved.

Once the laying is finished, simply remove these crosstrees so that your work looks perfect, as tiles are homogeneous and perfectly aligned. Profiles are another complement, this one for steps of your stairs.  They mark the way and distance of each tile so that everything looks perfect too.

Other complements can help you for the laying, leveling them so that your work looks perfect: leveling systems help professionals to achieve a correct installation, where the final look will be quite coordinated and tidy. You are going to find also all the necessary to achieve it in the Ondacer catalogue.

Here you have an example video of how leveling systems work:

Publicado el 08/11/2017 Home, News 5315
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