If we have a classic design in mind, we can be tempted to think that all the decoration for these environments must necessarily be of the same style. It is a mistake to not commit, because it is not true. Although there is a type of tiling for each style, you can also combine the classic with the modern and vice versa, to create original and very personal ambiences.
Furniture can be more current styled, even if the tiles are not necessary modern. The ability to incorporate a design of classical decoration, small format and basic colours gives to the combination with this kind of furniture and general decoration a really fascinating look.
classic tiles with floral or even geometric patterns and basic colours combine perfectly in modern and current ambiences
These floor tiles whose patterns are often geometric or floral, with basic colours, combine perfectly with a decoration where white or dark wood colours dominate.
This represents a more basic style, a little bit vintage, that can look really nice if it sis used carefully to maintain a coordinated setting. Although these elements seem antagonistic, a classic ceramic tile can be very appropriate for a current, modern style.
In our catalogue Ondacer.com, you will find an exhibition of ambiences where you will see these kinds of mixtures, where modern furniture that initially seems to be inadequate matches perfectly with classic floor tiles.
Naturally, personal taste has the last word and, moreover, all modern furniture is not suitable to match with classic tiles, so we must study all points to be sure to get the desired look.
Of course, as always, your personal taste and your imagination puts the limits!